Saturday, January 30, 2010


O’ What a mighty God we serve, whose ways we cannot know
Who made the style and fashion form of all the things that grow

Who made the waters dark and deep and wet from which we drink
Who knows all things there are to know, and doesn’t have to think

His wisdom and His power such, we cannot comprehend
(As we cannot imagine life eternal …without end)

O’ What a mighty God we serve, Creator of all things
The trees that sway, the plants that bloom, the little bird that sings

The moon, the stars that light up… in the darkness of the night
The sun that greets us every morning, shining with it’s light

Creator of the universe, beyond what we can see
And in His awesome image He created you and me

O’ What a mighty God we serve, so loving and so kind
Who gives to us His spirit… for us to follow His design

In Jesus Christis designHH His only Son, He gave to us His glory
To show His love… to die for us, (the whole world knows the storyis love )

A righteous God, who gives us GRACE, which no one can deserve
So we ALL may get to Heaven … WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!

By Benjamin Graham


  1. God has done great things in which I am thankful! God's poetry that he has sent through you has uplifted me. God bless you brother!

  2. Thank you brother. Your comment has inspired me to continue posting blogs. God bless!
