Saturday, January 30, 2010


O’ What a mighty God we serve, whose ways we cannot know
Who made the style and fashion form of all the things that grow

Who made the waters dark and deep and wet from which we drink
Who knows all things there are to know, and doesn’t have to think

His wisdom and His power such, we cannot comprehend
(As we cannot imagine life eternal …without end)

O’ What a mighty God we serve, Creator of all things
The trees that sway, the plants that bloom, the little bird that sings

The moon, the stars that light up… in the darkness of the night
The sun that greets us every morning, shining with it’s light

Creator of the universe, beyond what we can see
And in His awesome image He created you and me

O’ What a mighty God we serve, so loving and so kind
Who gives to us His spirit… for us to follow His design

In Jesus Christis designHH His only Son, He gave to us His glory
To show His love… to die for us, (the whole world knows the storyis love )

A righteous God, who gives us GRACE, which no one can deserve
So we ALL may get to Heaven … WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!

By Benjamin Graham


I have a God who loves me…Unconditionally at that
He’s always there beside me…no matter where I’m at
But I ask you Heavenly Father God, who reigns from high above
Please hear your humble servant…Send Me Someone to Love

With prayer and with thanksgiving,… Let this request be known (Phil. 4:6)
To you my Heavenly Father… for I’m tired of being alone
Please do not be angry if I’m coming incorrect
Forgive me for my boldness Lord, I mean no disrespect

But you said in the beginning “It’s not good to be alone”
Send me, Lord, a “Help Meet” I can’t find one on my own
I do love you with all my strength, and heart and soul and mind
But someone I can hold at night, I pray you‘ll let me find

Someone I can touch and kiss…caress and sometimes squeeze
Someone to kneel beside me as we pray on bended knees
Someone I can look upon each morning I awaken
Someone to take this path with me that no one yet has taken

Search me Lord… You know my heart, I do not ask amiss
I pray your will does not keep me in such a state as this
I can’t be with just anyone… (as I have been before)
I need and want that special soul… whom you have made me for

You said if I delight myself in you… you’ll do your part
You said that you would give me…“the desires of my heart” (Ps.37:4)
I commit my ways to you Lord…I trust in you at last
I stand in faith now thanking you for bringing this to pass (Ps.37:5)

In whatsoever state I am … I try to be content (Phil. 4:10)
But yes, I long to share my life with….someone Godly sent
Father God, please hear me as a pray to you above
If it’s within your will for me… “SEND ME SOMEONE TO LOVE”

By Benjamin Graham

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Help me to not be critical Lord,
When others faults I see
For those same faults (or worse)
Are often present within me

It is easy placing blame on others
I have … so have you
Pointing fingers, finding faults
In what they say and do

Disregarding human error
Noticing mistakes
Quick to slam the gavel down
Instead of giving… brakes

There is no such thing as faultlessness
It seems we all forget
While many claim perfection
…No one has made it yet

As I am judging others
My own image becomes smudged
So help me to remember Lord
That I too will be judged

Benjamin Graham©